Upcoming Talk – “Beekeeping in Detroit: Then and Now” with Rich Wieske
Topic: “Beekeeping in Detroit: Then and Now" Speaker: Rich Wieske Time: Friday, June 22nd, 2012 @ 7PM (Doors will open at 6:30 PM for light refreshments) Location: Penn State Extension of Allegheny County 400 North Lexington Street, 3rd Floor Pittsburgh, PA 15208-2585 (Please check-in at the security office) EVENT IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Biography: Rich Wieske has been a “bee activist” and educator for more than a decade. As co-owner of Green Toe Gardens, he manages about 100 hives in Detroit and neighboring Oakland County and has mentored hundreds of new beekeepers. Rich established and maintains the Bee Sanctuary at Catherine Ferguson Academy, a Detroit high school for young and expectant mothers working on their GEDs. At University of Michigan/Dearborn’s Environmental Interpretive Center, he is developing an Urban/Suburban Sustainable Bee Yard. Rich Wieske is a board member of the Southeast Michigan Beekeepers Association, Michigan Beekeepers Association and a member of the American Apitherapy Association. Themes: Joy of beekeeping in an urban environment, Honeybees-the original herbalist, Value of honeybees to people and their environment. For more information about this lecture, please contact Burgh Bees at [email protected].