Bedillion Honey Farm
Mark Bedillion, Hickory
3# package $115 regular price/$110 for Burgh Bees Member
Available end of April. Date TBD.
5 frame Nuc local survivor stock $160 regular price/$150 for Burgh Bees members
Available May/June
724-747-4645 or email [email protected]
Meadow Sweet Apiaries
Steve Repasky, Pittsburgh
5 Frame Florida Nuc w/freshly mated northern stock queen, 2 fr. brood, 2 honey, and 1 brood/honey/or foundation. Standard deep frames in a cardboard Nuc box. No frame exchange. All sales are final after loading.
Cost $155
Available April 9th. Subject to change.
Call 412-445-7872 or email [email protected]
Tom Johnson, Rochester
Packages are from Georgia
3# Package w/marked Italian queen cost $102
3# Package w/marked Russian queen cost $105
April pick up date TBD
Call 724-312-7584 (cell) or 724-728-6826 (home) or email [email protected]