Nuc Installation Demonstration & BK101 Hive Inspection (WEATHER ALERT BELOW)
We will demonstrate the installation of a 5 frame Nuc and a package of bees into 10 frame hives. We will install the bees and show how to use a 1 gallon quail water’er for syrup feeding. Other feeding options will be discussed. Following the Installation Demonstrations, we will inspect an existing colony, demonstrate proper techniques, and discuss the goals of hive inspections. Bring your protective equipment, wear light color clothing that is loose fitting, and closed toe shoes.
Sunday, April 14th, 2019
11:00 PM – 1:00 PM. This EVENT IS POSTPONED TILL 4:00PM TODAY Hopefully, the Rain Stops
Location: Burgh Bees Community Apiary
6900 block of Susquehanna St
We will demonstrate the installation of a 5 frame nuc into a hive.
Cost: Free